Smart urban furniture and screens in the future city

Technology is taking over. Life in the future cities will be all about techonology and sustainability. I imagine this futuristic city with touchscreens, urban furntiture and gadgets with augmented reality everywhere on the streets.

Eyestop is a busstop. But not a normal busstop , it’s a ‘smart’ busstop which uses technology to give information. Not only advertisements and common information you need if you want to use the public transit, but also touristic information, weather alerts, e-mail access and much more. This Busstop is developed by researchers at the Massachusetss Institue of Technology.


Smart subwaymaps
In New York there are already smart subwaymaps with touchscreen. The first was placed last February in NYC. You just have to tap on the station you want to go and the screen will automatically show you wich route you can follow. The screen shows real time information, so it keeps you up to date about any possible obstacles.


Smart urban furniture like the Eyestop or the subwaymap with touchscreen will be totally normal in the future, but at this point it’s really exciting.
The Eyestop is also powered by sunlight and can detect air pollutants and weather changes. So the concept keeps an eye on the environment and improves sustainability, which is already pretty important but will be even more important in the future.
Plus, we are living in a very busy 24/7 economy where everything is going really fast. These concepts contribute to a quick movement and offer as much efficiency as possible.

Another thing I think we’re going to see a lot are urban screens. Buildings that are made of hundred moving televisions screens to show the work of artists, to give information or to show advertisements. Many people can be reached in a short time by using these buildings.

Urban screens in sydney

So in short, we will be seeing A LOT of screens in the future city. They offer information in a fast way.
If we take a look at the Quality of Life model from Felce & Perry, we see different options why these concepts improve the quality of life.
Development & activity can be improved because your mobility will be enlarged. So you’ll have more opportunities for leisure, education and jobs. It also gives you more idependence when you’re visiting a city. But also your emotional wellbeing can grow when you feel satisfaction because you get to the places where you want to go in a short amount of time.

What do you think about urban screens and smart urban furniture? Do you think it will help us to live an easier life, or do you think it will make the society to fast and gives us too much information?
